adequately good

decent programming advice

written by ben cherry

all posts filed under performance

Saner HTML5 History Management


This event is quite simple. Whenever the window.location.hash property changes, by following a link, setting the property, editing the URL bar, or ...

Performance of === vs. ==

One particular weirdness and unpleasantry in JavaScript is the set of equality operators. Like virtually every language, JavaScript has the standard ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >= operators. However, == an...

Minimum Timer Intervals in JavaScript

I was talking with a co-worker today about the behavior of setTimeout and setInterval when given a small interval, like 0 or 1. The expectation would be tha...

Preloading JS and CSS as Print Stylesheets

UPDATE: This technique has turned out to be dangerous in Chrome. It seems that Chrome will load the JS files into the cache, but then set an implied type="text/css" on them. This means that it will refuse to re-use them as Java...