adequately good

decent programming advice

written by ben cherry

Search/Replace in the DOM with jQuery

Ever had a need to to a text search/replace through the DOM? For articles in drafting on this blog I often use the form (TODO: somethi...

Preloading JS and CSS as Print Stylesheets

UPDATE: This technique has turned out to be dangerous in Chrome. It seems that Chrome will load the JS files into the cache, but then set an implied type="text/css" on them. This means that it will refuse to re-use them as Java...

Consul.js, Simple Logging Abstraction

I've been reading Coders At Work by Peter Seibel, and one question he asks in every interview is "How do you debug - print statements, debugger like gdb, or something else?". For me, print statements are my first tool for any situation. That's why Firebug is so...

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